In North Sikkim and Himalaya regions, the Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) sacc is a renowned fungus and traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and tonic.
The Historical and general reference of Himalayan aphrodisiacs refers to Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) sacc. It was discovered about 2000 years ago as an exotic medicinal mushroom described in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. The British mycologist Dr M.J. Berkelesy first described it in 1843 as Sphaeria sinensis Berk. Later in 1878, Andrea Saccardo renamed it as Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) sacc. Cordyceps' name comes from the Latin word: meaning Cordl (club) and ceps(head).
The regular harvesting period stretches from April to August. It grows only at the high-altitude regions of about 3800 meters above sea level in the cold, grassy, alpine meadows of the mountain Himalaya.
The base of this mushroom first originates from an insect larval host (Hepialis armoricanus family- Hepialidac) and ends at the club like cap, including the stipe and stroma. The fruit body is dark brown to black, and the root of the organism, the larval body pervaded by the mycelium, is yellowish to brown. The immature larvae (host) on which the Cordyceps (parasite) grows usually lies about 6 inches below the ground surface. As the fungus approaches maturity, it consumes more than 90% of infected insect effectively to mummify the host. As the stroma matures, it swells up and develops perihelia. The average weight of Cordyceps is about 300-500mg.
Cordyceps sinensis is considered sweet and warm; it enters the lung and kidney channels; the typical dosage is 3-9 grams. Western descriptions of the health benefits of the Cordyceps fungus came in the Eighteenth Century.
The traditional healers of Sikkim have been using this fungus for eighteen diseases, maximum use in the form of self-medication and folk healer's recommendation is for aphrodisiac use. A study was conducted between June 2008 and September 2009 to know the medicinal benefits of this fungus by local people and folk healers.
This fungus is used for male and female sexual dysfunction to restore general health and appetite and promote longevity in the Lachung & Lachen area of North Sikkim. Both sexes usually use one piece of C. sinensis with one cup of milk to enhance their sexual potency and desire.
The Bhutanese communities put one piece of Cordyceps sinensis in one cup of locally made alcohol (chang) and leave for one hour, and drink in the morning and evening as an aphrodisiac. Some use hot water instead of alcohol.
They said it is more potent than Ginseng and used to treat cancer, fatigue, relieve chronic pain, tuberculosis, and treat liver and kidney ailments. Cordyceps sinensis has shown to improve physical vitality and stamina in general. Cordyceps sinensis also helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, which is undoubtedly an essential factor of erectile function.
Furthermore, two studies have shown Cordyceps sinensis to "significantly increase" the production of testosterone in males.
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6. Bhagwan Dash, Indian Aphrodisiac, Roli books Pvt. Ltd, pp.72-73, 2001.
7. Leonore Tiefer, “Sexology & Pharmaceutical Industries: The Threat of Co- option “Journal of Sex Research, pp.123-126, Aug 2000.
8. Samanta SS, Dhar U, CM, Medicinal plants of Indian Himalaya, Him vikash, GBPIHED, Almora, 1998.
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10. Usha Lachumpa,” Indigenous lifestyles and biodiversity conservation issues in North Sikkim”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 51-55, January 2009.
11. Arif, M. & Kumar N., “Medicinal insects and insect - fungus relationship in high altitude areas of Kumaon Hills in Central Himalayas” J. Expt Zoo India, 6.1, pp. 45-55, 2003.
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13. Chen, S.J; Yin, D.H.; Zhong, G.Y.; Huang, T.F., “Study on the biology of adult parasite of Cordyceps sinensis, Hepialus biruensis “, Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 27.12, pp.893-5. (Chin., Eng. Abstract), 2002.
14. Winkler D. “Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc: economy, ecology, and ethno-mycology of yartsa gunbu, a medicinal fungus endemic for the Tibetan plateau”, International
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15. Noriko Kinjo and Mu Zang, “Morphological and phylogenetic studies on Cordyceps sinensis”, Mycoscience, Vol-42, No-6, 567-574,Dec 2001.
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17. Hung Chang Kee, Brief history of Chinese medicine in the Pharmacology of Chinese herbs, 2nd edition, CRC press, Florida, pp -9-21,1999.
18. Karma Chopel, Beautiful Rosary of Precious and Elegant Teachings: A Materia Medica on the Medicines which are Elixir of Immortality, Tibetan People Press Lhasa, 1993.
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22. Mizuno T.,”Medicinal effects and utilization of Cordyceps (Fr.) Link (Ascomycetes) “and “Isaria Fr. (Mitosporic fungi) Chinese caterpillar fungi, Tochukaso’’ Int J Med Mushrooms, 1, 51–62,1999.
23. Sharma S., “Trade of Cordyceps sinensis from high altitudes of the Indian Himalaya: conservation and biotechnological priorities” Current Science, 86(12), 1614-1619,2004.
24. Chen, Y.Q.; Wang, N.; Zhou, H.; Qu, L.H., “Differentiation of medicinal Cordyceps species by rDNA its sequence analysis” Planta Med., 68.7,635-9,2002.
25. Panda A.K & Swain K.C, Traditional uses of Cordyceps sinensis in North Sikkim- unpublished
26. Yang et al., ”Treatment of sexual hypofunction with Cordyceps sinensis” Jiangxi Zhongyiyao, 5, 46-47,1985. From the Abstracts of Chinese Medicines 1: 401.
27. Jiang X, “Phase-III Clinical study of cordeceps sinensis capsule on the treatment of hypo sexuality from natural collection & submerged culture”, 1985 unpublished paper
28. Ashok Kumar Panda, "Tracing Historical Perspective of Cordyceps Sinensis- An Aphrodisiac in Sikkim Himalaya", From the Indian Journal of History of Science, 45.2 (2010) 189-198
Please Note:
By purchasing 1 Piece of Grade B Cordycep, buyer will receive an additional 1 piece of Grade B Cordycep. Therefore, buyer will receive 2 pieces Grade B Cordyceps in a capsule at the price of 1 piece.
If purchased 3 Pieces of Grade B Cordyceps, buyer will receive an additional 3 pieces of Grade B Cordyceps. Therefore, buyer will receive 6 pieces of Grade B Cordyceps in a capsule at the price of 3 pieces.
Please Note:
By purchasing 1 Piece of Grade C Cordycep, buyer will receive an additional 1 piece of Grade C Cordycep. Therefore, buyer will receive 2 pieces Grade B Cordyceps in a capsule at the price of 1 piece.
If purchased 3 Pieces of Grade C Cordyceps, buyer will receive an additional 3 pieces of Grade C Cordyceps. Therefore, buyer will receive 6 pieces of Grade B Cordyceps in a capsule at the price of 3 pieces.
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