Estee L
30 September 2021
This is certainly a travelog I entirely enjoyed reading. One that I instantly read upon obtaining. One that completely took my mind into the wonders of this enchanted and magnificent country! I love how the entire publication appeared, from the very thorough design and structure of this book and how the designer carefully spaced the contents to be easy on the eyes. Some travelogs can be a little too lengthy, and too much to continue. Whereas the contents in this book came in bite sizes with amazing, stunning photos positioned at the perfect spot to break away from the wordings. It just urges me to continue after each page.
I appreciate how the authors included all the significant and valuable information for readers to be adequately readied for a journey to Bhutan. I love the dos and don't and particularly the real-life travelers' tales because each experience is unique and extraordinary in the eyes of the travelers and when these valuable experiences are shared in this book, it provides me numerous viewpoints, different understandings, and numerous impressions about their trips to Bhutan.
To be truthful, Bhutan is one of my bucket lists to tick but I've never truly got around to do further exploration about this happy place so this book arrived handy to equip me for the trip. Now, after flipping through, it makes me want to go there this very instant!!!
I also wholly admire the breathtaking photos where the credible charm of this magical country is being captured! They're remarkable!
For someone extremely imaginative like me, but an easily bored person, this travelog didn't bore me at all. I love how the different topics from the symbols to the history, the people, festivals, travel tips to the travelers' tales took me places mentally while the stunning photos are so captivating to gaze at!
Unquestionably the best travelog I've ever read. Very delightful and easy to read and digest. A delighted owner of it and am incredibly looking forward to experiencing Bhutan soon!